Why you Need to Make your Communication Accessible if you want to Lead with Justyna Poray-Wybranowska

By: Bart Egnal
In this episode of the podcast, Bart speaks with The Humphrey Group's Director of Learning Experience Design about the often-overlooked importance of making your communication accessible. Justyna explains why it's never been more important  and easier  to think about how to reach all audiences. She explains what accessible communication is, why it's overlooked, tools and technology you can use (and already have at your fingertips) and resources to draw on. By the end of this conversation, you'll see why every leader who wants to inspire should think about making their communication accessible.

Visit the following links for resources and further reading on accessibility:

Haben Girma – Disability justice lawyer, author, speaker, & inclusion activist: https://www.linkedin.com/in/habengirma

Sheri Byrne-Haber – Certified accessibility professional with a background in universal design, law, & business: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheribyrnehaber

Tiffany A. Yu – Disability advocate and CEO & founder of Diversability: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffanyayu

IAAP – For accessibility-related news and updates as well as job opportunities: https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/

Deque systems – Self-directed learning on digital accessibility: https://www.deque.com/

00:27 Intro
01:05 Introducing Justyna
02:07 Bart introduces "accessibility"
02:56 How Justyna works on accessibility 
03:58 Define accessibility 
04:23 Examples of poor accessibility
05:55 Justyna's story
06:18 ADHD and learning disabilities diagnosis 
08:25 The importance for leaders to understand accessibility
09:18 Industries seeking out neuro-diverse talent
10:04 Accessibility is not just for disabled people. It makes the product better for everyone
10:56 Providing multiple ways to represent content
12:32 Stats on disabilities 
13:41 Things communicators need to know
15:46 Cognitive load
16:24 Increase the likelihood your message will get across
17:47 New tech is helping
18:24 Examples of using smartphone differently from spouse
20:13 3 pieces of advice to leaders
20:57 Don't surprise me!
23:11 Structure is key
23:51 Present multiple ways
25:33 Everyone is the expert on their own experience
26:39 Make sure that mistakes are OK
27:40 Bart sums it up
28:37 Advice on getting started
29:41 Resources
30:39 Thank yous
30:59 Outro